Thursday, October 30, 2008

Looking for Profile Ideas

Dear Friends,

As much as I would love to retire to a mountain cabin with my wife, dogs and computers to do nothing but write beautiful, exciting, moving and inspiring fictional stories, I'm in need of a way to earn some money writing. That may seem like a tall order to some, given that I don't have a journalism degree or experience writing professionally. However, computers and the Internet have opened many more doors to creative types than were available even a decade ago. I've been assured that, not only is it possible for a non-professional to earn money writing, it is in fact happening daily. It is no longer necessary to have college degrees and letters behind one's name to be considered a viable resource of talent; if only because there is so much opportunity available.

The problem is, even though I know what to do and SOME of whom to ask for freelance jobs, I find myself stuck on one particular problem: My professional profile. Ironic, isn't it? I may not need a formal education to be a paid writer but many of those hiring want to know my capabilities before they agree to pay me. The challenge is, even though I can write, I have no professional experience writing.

My training resource tells me that a professional profile can consist of ANY kind of experience but I'm finding it particularly challenging to figure out how my past work and school experience translates into writing skills. I know I have raw talent. I've considered writing example articles to display my natural ability but I'm in need of subject matter.

Here is my request: Respond to this blog with your ideas and suggestions about subjects for example articles as well as ways I can parlay my past experience into something that at least APPEARS to contribute to my writing ability.

Who knows? If I one day become a famous writer, you could see your name printed in my voluminous list of people to whom I owe a debt of gratitude. Any thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated!

Chip, the Archerfish

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